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EverQuest wont login at college!

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Hey all!

I just moved into the dorms at college. I installed Cisco Systems: Clean Access Agent on my PC as it is required. Everything works fine until I try to log onto EverQuest or Limewire! It gives me a messege similar to "you are not connected to the internet" or something to that extent. I have disabled norton, turned off my windows firewall, enabled ALL cookies and nothing worked. Anyone have any ways around the Cisco Systems: Clean Access Agent? I am assuming that is the problem, since EQ and limewire worked a couple days ago at home.

Thank you in advance!


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It probably means that your Uni runs a firewall that is blocking the ports used by EverQuest.

Your best bet is to talk to the IT support team and find out if they'll unblock those ports for you.

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I would imagine that is the problem. Thanks alot! Also, how do I go about finding which ports need to be unblocked or can they figure that out from the Tech Support end of things?

thanks in advance again!

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Originally posted by tool_462:

how do I go about finding which ports need to be unblocked


Go to Port Forward then click on Common Ports to see a list of ports that particular games and applications use.

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