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Desparately Needed Help

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Hello everybody, I haven't a clue about computers so I've got myself into this mess accidentally and can't get myself out as I don't know what to do.


I've got norton interent security. It does it's job, except...I can't get onto the internet with it enabled. I can only get on with it disabled which is annoying and risky.


If anybody can help I'll be delighted, it's been like this for a while now and I've been trying to fix it everyday.

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NIS = a pain in the < beep >. Suggested Solution: Get rid of NIS, and install something decent like ZoneAlarm.


Note that when I DID have NIS installed, I ran into very similar problems to the one you are facing. I am now happier than ever with ZoneAlarm


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Are you connected to the internet through DSL/Cable or by a phone line modem? // Sorry, hadn't noticed how old the original query was. Another thread risen from the dead syndrome.

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