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Problems installing Mandriva 2006 RC2

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Hi, I've just downloaded Mandriva 2006 RC2, and I have the same two problems I had when I tried to install Mandriva 10.1.

I have an Asus P4P800, with a Pentium 4 2.8Ghz, 512 mb and an ATI 9800 XT.

I burned the Iso images to cdrw, and tried to install from there. First issue was that the installation would not proceed unless i keep moving my mouse. You can image how annoying this was, but I kept going.

And the second issue was after the installation, when checking the report of the installed hardware. It would not configure my graphics. So i have to manually select the generic driver for the Radeon card, then the Viewsonic driver, and choose whether to configure one or two monitors. After all that, if I choose to try the configuration, the screens goes black, and it doesn't come back anymore to the installation.

If anyone knows how to solve any of these two problems, I would really appreciate it. thank you very much!!!

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For the graphics problem, I would go with picking the generic monitor and graphics driver, you can click test to make sure it work, all you need is for it to work long enough to get the OS installed. Once installed, you can always install and reconfig the graphics.


For the other problem, try disabling USB in the BIOS of your motherboard and unplug any USB devices you have, until after you get the OS installed and are able to run update to get bug fixes ect.. Also be sure to get bug fixes and such before installing any graphics drivers, along with grabbing the new kernel and source to go along with it.


If you like Mandriva, if you have not already, you may want to check out XandrOS 3 or Fedora Core 4 as well, they are both Nice OS's and offer some great support.


// Regards,


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ATI graphic cards have always been an issue. Linux support is limited, although getting better. ATI is getting the idea. Search Google on your card and Linux and you will see what I mean.


I have never had any problems with NVIDIA cards in any of my systems. I know this is not an answer, but if you can wait for the final Mandriva release, support may be better in that release. I know they are actively working on it.

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Thank you very much for your answers. I ended up installing Ubuntu latest realese, and everything worked fine.

It's true what you say about ATI cards, even though i didn't have problems configuring it in Ubuntu, it does not worked as well as it can.

And in the future, I will try the option of disabling the usb ports.


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