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Decrypting data

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i had windows-xp in my com and i had to put a fresh coppy of windows-xp in to my com. i have my windows-xp in my C-drive and all of my documents in my D-drive. it seems i didnt decrypt any of my flies in my D-drive before i put the fresh coppy of the windos-xp. now i cant open any of my old files, pictures and media files at all. what can i do for this and please please need your hepl........ thank you so much shockedshocked

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Did you backup your profile in c:\documents and settings?

did you export your certificate key to disc first?

Without the cert key, its impossible to decrypt the data unless you have a REcovery Agent somewhere.



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IF u got a backup then delete all ur old files on your com and decrypt the backup on a different computer then add the backup to ur com u started with!Or just make a backup of everything and reformat the computer

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