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Visual Studio 2003 Pro, MSDN CD1 Question

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Hi Gang,


I am lucky enough to be going to a school that is part of the Microsoft Academic Alliance, which basically means I get a license and a copy (burned by the school) of Visual Studio 2003 Pro. Very cool, except the people that burned it are taking files and folders from numerous MSDN CDs and trying to build us a package. The main program works, I've gotten disk1, disk2, and the pre-requisites all working, but they didn't even give us MSDN CDs, like we don't need Help or something? So I still have my Visual Studio .NET 2003 Pro Trial DVD. It has a folder on it called MSDN that contains all the necessary files. What I'm hoping is that someone can tell me what is the Volume Label of disk 1 is? Is Setup.exe (for MSDN) at the root of the CD or is it inside of a folder called MSDN? Once I know the answers I should be able to make a DVD that the main setup program on VSPROD1 (the volume label of the main Visual Studio disk) will recognize as MSDN disk 1.



Christian Blackburn

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Here information on MSDN Dics 1:


Volume name: MSDVVSD1



IE60 (dir)

Program files (dir)

Samples (dir)

Setup (dir)











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