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NT4.0 and NFS3(4)

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I want run NFS3 or NFS4 on NT4.0.

I have DX5 for NT4 (from Beta Win2000), but NFS3 still asking me for DX5.

Please help me.


Sorry for my English



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Hi Elwis,

This is an unbelievably easy question for me. Windows NT 4 is not a gaming platform. Microsoft didn't feel like modifying their security model to accomodate 3D functionality. So the best 3D in NT is DX2 and the best 2D in NT is DX5. So even if you install DX5 the D3D component is still DX2-based. Your game will not run. I rccommend upgrading to 2000 or XP.


Christian Blackburn



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