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Swapping music files

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Is there away to swap music files between XP and Mandrake 9 without saving them to a disc and doing a reboot. Also is there a video player available besides X-ine which I can't seem to get wmv type files to play.

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You can either add a new physical drive or shave some free space off an existing partition. In either case, parition the free space as a FAT32 filesystem and run 'mke2fs /dev/hdXX' for the new partition. Add an fstab entry and have it mount to your music directory. When you boot into Windows, it'll be drive D. HTH! wink

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I almost forgot. After you run mke2fs, mount the new partition and move all your music over to it! Have fun!

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Also is there a video player available besides X-ine which I can't seem to get wmv type files to play.

Get mplayer, it plays wmv just fine

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I downloaded the file but I can't seem to install it When I open it I picked extract all and all is i see is a bunch of folders What am I doing wrong :x

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Download the file.

Unpack it: 'bunzip2 MPlayer-0.90rc4.tar.bz2', 'tar -xvf MPlayer-0.90rc4.tar'

In the source directory: './configure; make; make install'


If you're feeling adventurous, you could even read the README file.

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The only readme file I could find had a warning stating that if this was installed major problems would occur with your video card. qoute you have been warned unqoute. sure wish this distro was as easy to use as people make it sound ;(

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It can't get easier than this... Just follow the instructions Theophile has posted and you should be fine. wink


PS: just 'cd' to MPlayer-0.90rc4 after you extracted your files. README should be there.

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