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I need a program

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Hi Everyone,

Can any of you think of a really good hard drive defragement program. The one with Windows XP Pro is ok but there has to be alot better ones out there. It would be great if I could find a free one but even a paid program would be great to.

Thanks for any suggestions you all have,


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There are several out there. O&O used to have a free program. Now you can use it for a specified amount of time. It is a good defragger particularly in the different options you can use in defragging your hard drive: http://www.oo-software.com/en/index.html


The seocnd one that is also good, but much faster is PerfectDisk: http://www.raxco.com/products/perfectdisk2k/ Again, you can download and use it for free for a specified period of time. PerfectDisk has its own way of defragging which is interesting, but the nice thing is that it is fast. It will also examine the hives of your registry and if they need to be sorted, it does that also.

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