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Black screen after installing Geforce6 6600GT

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I got a GeForce6 6600GT 256mb AGP slot graphics card a few days ago. I was playing games fine, and everything was running smooth other than the fact that whenever I tried to watch movies (I tried my Family guy + Scrubs + WoW files) the computer got really slow while trying to load, and after 20 minutes it still wasn't loaded so I reset my computer and tried again, same effect.


Last night I tried again on a WoW movie, and same thing. So I reset my computer but this time, after the Windows Home loading screen went away, my screen went black, nothing was loading, nothing was happening. I've tried everything I can think of, but I cant get past it. Nothing works! ><


Please, any advice would be awsome. I've got 7 weeks of holidays, I need my computer!! @_@


EDIT: Oh, and I tried my old graphics card, same thing happened. So it's not busted, at least, I don't think.

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The original problem was probably the nVidia drivers. Some nVidia drivers work perfectly fine with games, but when it comes to running movies, they come up short. I sometimes has to do with the color connection. Now, however, those drivers are probably blitzed or you have some pieces of your previous drivers interfering with your new drivers. At this point it would be best to have XP repair itself. Start the machine up, go into your Bios - hit DEL, F2 or F9 (whatever flashes on your screen for getting into your Bios) and change the Boot order to make your CD boot first. Save this setting. Put your XP disk into your CD and follow the prompts to repair your installation.

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Hang on there Sampson, he hasn't mentioned trying to start in "safe mode" yet. If that hasn't been done yet Weylok, boot into safe mode, uninstall the nVidia drivers, then use Nasty File Remover http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=582 in safe mode. Re-install your vidcard drivers in safe mode, reboot, and see what happens.


A repair install takes as long as a format and fresh install, no point going through the hassle if it's not necessary.


You're also leaving something out here Weylok, how did you reset your computer? Did you just hit the reset button, or did you "ctrl+alt+delete" and then choose "reset" from the menu?


If all you did was hit the reset button, you could have messed up the files yourself, the reset button is always a last resort, if you can avoid it, AVOID IT!


What nVidia drivers were you using, as in what flavour, and what brand of 6600GT are you running? The newest drivers are not always the best for your system, it's not just the vidcard, but the whole system, that determines how well the drivers perform. I run the 77.77's with my eVGA 6600GT AGP, the 81.XX's are a joke for me, and not a good one. 77's are available here: http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=1145 smile

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As usual, Relic, you are right that he didn't say that he had tried to boot it through safe mode. Presumptive on my part. When I see him say that he's tried everything, I assumeed that he went through the standard operating procedures. Always best to do the easiest first.

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Originally posted by Sampson:

As usual, Relic, you are right that he didn't say that he had tried to boot it through safe mode. Presumptive on my part. When I see him say that he's tried everything, I assumeed that he went through the standard operating procedures. Always best to do the easiest first.


Heh, I do the same thing dude, I just happened to be awake this morning, hahahahahaha laugh

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