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Windows won't boot unless CD is in DVD Tray

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Ok this is a weired one, i have installed WinXP Pro Corp, and everytime it boots it gives me the option for


1 Windows Xp Professional

2 Windows Recovery Console


If i choose 1. I get this message or something similar.


root/system32/hal.dll missing or corrupt


so i re-install that dll from another xp cd but still same problem, so i install XP Media Center and still same problem.


I fdisk drive then format and still same problem, so i install duel os and still same problem.


Unless i have a bootable CD/DVD in the DVD Tray and i choose to boot from HD then i don't get this problem...?


This is twisting my melon.. anyone got any ideas please...?


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Hi TC, so my tips on Total-EMU didn't help ?!?


I wonder if you can just change the boot order in the BIOS to HD first and see what happens.

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Ha are you stalking me or what...? :P


I did a chkdsk on c drive and it found some bad clusters that it moved.. i don't know exactly what as it went too quick and i cant find a log anywhere.


I will try that....

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Well if errors were found on drive C: this may indicate some kind of format and/or filesystem issues.


It could also mean something is faulty with the HD and/or the controller on the motherboard.


Have you run any of the manufacturers diagnostics on that HD yet ?!?


Usually these diags will destroy any data so be sure to backup anything you want first.

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Originally posted by tonycrew:

Ahh good idea i will try the diagnostic tools and see what it throws up....


I would recommend you disconnect any extra drives from the system as well, i.e., hard drives that is wink


Basically just diagnose the suspect drive until you can verify things are ok, also you should try running the diags in a looping mode if that app has this option, leave it running over night to make sure it's not a thermal issue too.


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