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Fedora Core 4 plug and play feature

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Good afternoon,

two months ago, I have installed WinXP and then Fedora Core 4 on my PC, using GRUB as boot manager. Now, I want to install a new motherboard and video card, but I would not like to re-install both the operating systems from scracth. I know that WinXP is automatically reconfigured with the new drivers, but I do not know how to manage the Fedora Core 4 installation.


Do you know if Fedora Core 4 has a kind of plug and play feature to automatically reconfigure and reinstall the correct drivers for the new hardware.


Thank you for your co-operation.



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If you can tell us what the old motherboard and video hardware is, as well as what new motherboard and video card you plan to use, that would help.


It depends on what new hardware that you have, if Fedora will pick up the new drivers automatically.


Have you looked at the Fedora database to see if your new hardware will be supported?


For example, if you have a NVIDIA video card and switch to an ATI card, you may have some issues, that can be solved, without a re-installation.


Is the current installation of Fedora a stock installation, or have you added additional packages to say run a NVIDIA card in 3D. In other words, have you customized Fedora with any specialty drivers and such?


BTW, Windows XP is not free from some of the same issues.

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