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just doing anything

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i have 80gb hard drive, firstly it had 4 partition all primary, i changed one of these partition as logical and from it i made 5 gb space free for linux fedora core 2.

after that i start installing linux, it shows

"allignment of partition is not valid? it's safe to ignore but some boot loader may have some prob."

after sucessful installation it asks for reboot. when i reboot it, it's showing only GRUB nothing else, keyboard also not working at this stage so that i can try some command???

also it's not booting fom any of the windows cd?????????

so plz friend have a look of this n try to solve mi prob????

coz mi comp is just become a black box not doing anything?

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Fedora Core 3 had a problem with the kernel that it used with the geometry of the drive if Windows XP was initially installed with the NTFS filesystem. It should not be used on such as system.


"allignment of partition is not valid? it's safe to ignore but some boot loader may have some prob."


This message should have warned you to stop the installation.


Do you know the layout of the partitions?


Where did you put the logical partition on the drive? Hopefully on the end of the partition table?


What utility did you use to partition your hard drive? Was it the Fedora Partitioning Utility?


also it's not booting fom any of the windows cd?????????


What do you mean by any Windows cd? Do you have a full Windows installation cd, or just an upgrade version? What happend when you try to load the Windows cd?


Was Windows pre-installed on this system and is it a Compaq or HP system?


In any case, a fix for the problem can be found here.

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The previous meassage should have read;


Fedora Core 2 had a problem with the kernel that it used with the geometry of the drive if Windows XP was initially installed with the NTFS filesystem. It should not be used on such as system.


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