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looking for image management software

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Afternoon all,

I'm looking for some image management software for my work.


Requirements are:


- Runs on MS SQL & IIS

- Has both web and app interface (ASP for web interface)

- Stores metadata in the SQL but leaves the images as flat files

- Does not try to be an integrated content or knowledge management tool

- Restricts access to flat file storage of the images (ie it serves them out rather than pointing to the location)

- allows users to upload images through the system so to get a DB description


I guess the easiest way to describe it would be to say the interface would be like Picasa, with a database to have the comments, names etc


Everything I've found so far is either a full blown document management system with access controls etc etc or a simple directory listing ASP script, and nothing in between.


I've examined TRIM and DvTDM so far and both of these are too far into the records/document management area to be useful as simple image libraries.




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