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Okay I am so new to Linux. I am trying to learn because I hear it's a really great OS. I said this because in whatever response you give me it will have to be in Kindergarten terms! lol! Meaning I am really green. OKAY MY PROBLEM: I have two internal hard drives. On my main drive is XP, on my second drive I just installed Fedora. During the installation I chose XP as my default system to boot. The Fedora installation said it completed successfully and to restart. I did but when I came to the boot screen the only thing there is XP Media Edition. I don't get the Fedora Gui asking me which system. So now I don't know how to get into the OS for Fedora. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong or how I can fix it without reinstalling? Oh FYI I booted from a installation disk.

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When you installed Grub (the bootloader) during your installation of Fedora, where did you tell Grub to be installed, the Master Boot Record of your primary master disk, or the second drive where Fedora is installed on?


This is a common mistake when doing dual drive installations, to have Grub installed on the second drive, which is not the drive that you actually boot from.

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