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Madrive - no CDROM?

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I'm trying to load Mandriva onto this computer. I put CD1 in, the computer reads CD1, Mandriva boots up...and then the distribution decides that it can't find my CDROM anymore. I assume this is because it doesn't recognize it and that I can load drivers, but that doesn't help me with the install.


I'm FTPing the ISOs down (again) and will try booting/installing from the hard drive.


Anyone hit this problem before? Better yet, anyone know a solution to installing from the CD?







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There are a number of possibilities of what is wrong. Let's walk through the process.


What version of Mandriva is this? Yes, this matters, as some have found that they had to boot from the second cd first, then switch out the cdrom to cd #1 and continue.


Is the cdrom an internal cdrom drive, or USB? Some systems have trouble booting from an external cdrom drive. Also, reference my article below. Is the cdrom/cdrw that you are booting the disks from the same one that you burned the disks on? Or is it an older cdrom that you are trying to boot of off?


One potential problem is a bad downloaded iso image. How did you download the image--> Via broadband or is this a dialup network?


Did you verify that the downloaded images were OK, by checking the md5sum of the images?


How did you burn the images exactly? See my article here.


You have the bios set to boot cdrom first and are not trying to install Mandriva from Windows? Yes, the cdrom will pop-up the Mandriva install window, if you open it from Windows, which some have tried to do before, rather than booting the system with the cdrom inserted. Some have thought that they could install Linux from Windows when the Mandriva window pops up.


I'm FTPing the ISOs down (again) and will try booting/installing from the hard drive.


Why are you doing this if you already have the images on your hard drive? Unless you know that the previous ones were bad downloads by previously checkng the validity of the downloaded images.

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