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Battle for Naboo

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Will barely run. Appears to completely freeze, but doesn't.


OS: WinXP SP 2

Video: NVIDIA GeForce 5200

Sound: Creative SB Live! series

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Hi Omachao,


I don't own Naboo nor am I a gamer anymore, but based on the specs I see below I can easily recommend a few few things.


1. Get a lot of ram

2. Stop downloading in the background (if you are)

3. Kill chat clients, and e-mail apps

4. Kill any unecessary processes

5. Get some more RAM gamers should have at least 768, if not 2GB

6. What Make, Model, and speed is your CPU?

7. You could try running Dameon Tools and emulate your game's CD, if it keeps trying to access files on your disc in the middle of a level this will help. I used to go through that with Tomb Raider II which would access both video and audio tracks on demand in the middle of levels causing multi-second pauses while it'd spin up the drive again. You'll need two things to emulate the CD or DVD's iso

#1. Daemon Tools 3.47

#2. ISO-Recorder

8. Turn off specifc graphical features in your game you don't use. You might even be able to disable positional audio calculations, if you don't have, or don't need position audio in your game.





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None of that is the problem.


I'm using a No-CD patch anyway, but that isn't the cause either.

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Drop the attitude. I guarantee that copping an attitude will get you no help what so ever. What some of you people fail to realise is that no one is getting paid to help you. We do it because we want to help people. Alot you people seem to think that you deserve help because you graced us with your appearance by posting in this forum. I know you asked for help in the beginning but now you are demanding help and that won't get you squat.

Personally when people start demanding help I just ignore them. There are alot of people wanting help besides you and when alot of people want help it moves the postings along, ie your posting may be on the screen when you post it but 11 posts later and it is off the top listings. It happens alot so deal with it.

Your attitude will get you nowhere.

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It has everything to do with this topic because even you can see no one is helping you because of your attitude but hey that is your problem not mine.


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