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need to reinstall?

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I've been having problems with my keyboard for the last few months and NO ONE has been able to help. I've bought 3 other keyboards to test and neitehr of them will work. Furthermore they all work at the first screen when one restarts the computer, where you click delete to enter BIOS or f8 to go into safe mode. Therefore I'm concluding (and I could be wrong? please share opinions) that there is some kinda conflict somewhere. In this case if I reisntall windows would that fix the problem? Someone I dont know well told me this could lead to lots of problems if my keyboard isnt working, reinstalling can be really difficult and I might need to take it to a store etc etc. Can ANYONE advise? I've had this problem for motnhs and it doesnt look like its going anywhere.



Oh btw just to add: earlier on if the keyboard was even connected to the computer when windows started, the mouse wouldnt work either. I deleted the keyboard in control panel, since then if its connected to the computer its fine (and the mouse is fine too) but as soon as i press any button on the keyboard not only will it not work but the mouse will also freeze. can anyone explain what could be going on, and if i have any options besides reinstalling?


thanks guys


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I suggest trying to clear your CMOS. You can do that by either using the jumpers on your mobo, or by turning off your system, unplugging it from the wall, and then pulling the CMOS battery, leave it out for 5 minutes, then put it back in, plug in the computer, and see if that solved the problem.

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Also, is it a PS2 keyboard or a USB keyboard? And have you tried to use both kinds?

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Does your keyboard work when you boot into Safe Mode? Restart your PC and then start pressing F8 as soon as you press the power button. Soon, a menu should appear from which you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to select Safe Mode. If your keyboard works here, it could be a keyboard driver issue (especially if you have installed a specialized keyboard in the past).


If your keyboard works in Safe Mode, open your control panels and click open the system control panel. Click on the hardware tab and then click on the device manager button.


This should open your computer's device manager. There should be an alphabetical list of every device installed on your PC. One of the selections should be "keyboard." Click on the plus sign next to it and remove all installed keyboards.


Restart your PC to exit Safe Mode and your computer should automatically reinstall your current keyboard using the appropriate drivers. Now, the keyboard should work in normal mode. Post back here after you have tried this so we can know how it went for you.

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