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'Turn off hard disk' on Power Options doesn't work !

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In 'Power Options Properties' I have set the hard disk to turn off after 30 mins. After 30 mins the hard disk is not turned off. Even after a whole night of idling the hard disk is still running. Any ideas ?


Windows 2000 Pro build 2195

Hard disk: IBM DPTA 372050

Motherboard: Abit BH6

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Me too ! Noooooooooo....

Same drive as you but on an Abit Hot Rod 66 controller.


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Could this be an APM problem ?

I have ACPI enabled in bios but I only have APM in windows. I'll try the latest bios tomorrow, keeping my fingers crossed !

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Seems like W2K has a lot of bugs, regardless of what people say...ACPI is definatley one of them. On the other hand it might as well be your mobo/chipset's fault...who knows. I don't think even M$ knows it all...

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Drives on the ATA-66 channel are treated as SCSI drives by the OS. that is not Microsofts fault, but the ATA-66 controllers Fault. Because the Drives are IDE drives, they don't understand Microsofts Command to shutdown, because it is sent in SCSI. bummer, 'eh?



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