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ive been tryin to install/uninstall yahooUS msngr this past days but it keeps on giving me "im not allow to access system configuration modification, return the installation from an administrative account." & "CoCreateInstance for the myYahoo DLL failed." can anybody teach me how to fix. ill really appreciate it. ty.

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thanx for ur reply cormac. before i posted message i already tried freakytiki4u's suggestion few times but it didnt work.(sorry i didnt mention it in my previous post) i also tried downloading yahooDLL, didnt work either. from the page u posted i tried to download the VB file from Microsoft ->> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q180071 and installed YMsngr but i got that same 2 errors again. 'hope u still have other good suggestions that i can try, or anybody pls. ty again.


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No problem Goldensign. Am I correct in assuming that you want to uninstall Yahoo?

From the sounds of that error message you may have to log into your computer as the Administrator to remove it.

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