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<windows root>\system32\Ntoskrnl.exe error

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Okay here's the problem.

It's not MY computer that has the problem though.. it's my friends computer.


Anywho, this is what happened.

He said that his computer (which is a OEM computer - Emachines)

was working fine when he was on it.

But then, he ended up getting a power outage.

After his power came back on, he booted up his computer.

Everything looked fine until right before (or after) the Windows XP start up screen.. the screen went black with this on it.

" Windows could not start due to a corrupted or a missing file

<windows root>\System32\Ntoskrnl.exe "


Now here lies the problem.

From what I read on Microsoft's website..

here ---> http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=314477#appliesto


That you can recover the file with a regular Windows XP CD.


But that's the thing, he doesn't have a regular Windows XP CD.

All that his computer came with is a Restore CD which the only thing that it will do is reformat his Hard Drive and then install Windows XP.

And he doesn't want to do that cause he wants to be able to retreive his data off of his Hard Drive. (anyway possible...)


Someone told me that I could lend him my Windows XP cd and follow Mircosoft's intructions on that site,

But I don't know if that will really work.

Due to that he has Windows XP: Home Edition and I have Professional.

(as of right now I don't know if he has Service Pack 2 installed or not)


If I got him a retail Windows XP: Home Edition disc,

Could it fix the problem?

Anyone know if this would work?



Any other suggestions on how to fix that one file?

So he can get his Hard Drive working again?


Any help will would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



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For all that it matters, just scoop the file off your own system, it's buried here: C:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe. Copy it to a floppy, then do the recovery deal with your XP CD like the Zombie said. Saves you extracting the file, which is just a pain anyhow.


As much as I hate the recovery console, it can save your butt, it has saved mine a couple of times. smile

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