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Rapid decrease in space -- Help !!

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The space on my C; partition started to decrease rapidly today even though the pc was idle. After browsing through the directory I found the following ..


Location -



The file mentioned above was increasing in size every minute by 1 or 2 mb ... it now is 700 MB. I will delete the file but i thought id ask you guys if it was safe before deleting.


Also tell me which app could be using the log ..


Thanks ..

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Are you running bootvis? If so, remove it, see if that fixes the prob.

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Any help here ?


New info::


The log file clears itself on booting but then starts taking space again. Its still going on after un-installing bootvis.

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I'm at a loss here, I don't have that folder on my system. Anyhow, after searching around, found another fix to try:


Change this registry key setting to "0", which turns of the logger, hopefully that does it.






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If Relic's fix does not work, try this:


Click Start then Run. Type: cmd


Type to prompt:

%systemroot%\system32\logman query -ets


Look for wmi,trace or related and note its name.

(I don't have it enabled, so I cannot say what is its name...)


Now type these, where <collection> is from previous command:


First stop logging:

logman stop <collection>

Then delete the log:

logman delete <collection>


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Thanks guys .. i did some gooogling and found that it was to do with bootvis ... before unistalling it .. tracing should have been stopped ..


Inflated TRACE.LOG problem, how to fix.

Posted 8/12/2002 by TweakXP Member

After running the MS Bootvis utility, the file C:\WINDOWS\System32\LogFiles\WMI\trace.log becomes hugely inflated.


The file shrinks on reboting but may rapidly grow to a few gig's in size, to cure the problem run BootVis again and click Trace-->Stop Tracing, the file will now stop growing and may be safely deleted.


The MSBootVis utility may be found here:



Read Full Story at TweakXP.com


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