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Which firewall should I use???on WIn XP....

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Which firewall should I use on Windows XP PRO??? Zone Alarm Pro, Kerio Personal Firewall, leaving my pc with Windows Firewall or you have anything else to suggest me????

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XP firewall is built into XP. Anything built into Windows will be a target for virii and hackers. Also XP firewall only blocks inbound.


ZoneAlarm is better and probably the best freeware firewall but it can be pretty heavy on resouces. The best firewall solution for a home computer is a Router with firewall capability or a computer set up using SmoothWall.

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My router already has a firewall.... So you think that zone alarm pro is the best???? Isn't heavy for the system??? Cause I have it on past and had some delay problems, I think Kerio is more light than Zone Alarm, but if Zone Alarm Pro is better I'll use it....

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Like Dosfreak said, your best bet is your routers firewall. If you truely want to run a secondary firewall, ZA Pro is a good choice. They have fixed the problems they were having with their newest version.

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