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Please help a dumbie!

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I am NOT at all a techie! I am trying to use my high speed internet connection on my wireless laptop. I bought a Linksys router, and used the install guide to set it up. My laptop doesn't pick up the high speed connection though. I called Comcast, and they said they won't help me, b/c the router is illegal and not their equipment. If someone will please give me very basic easy instructions, I would really appreciate it! I do have the router connected, but I see things that say configure the IP address and all of that, and I have NO idea how to do any of that. Any help will be GREATLY appreciated!!!!!!!!

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Your message is a little confused. I am presuming that you bought a linksys wireless router. In any case, take the end of the ethernet cable that hooked into your computer from the modem and put that end into the linksys router. It should go into the back of the router labeled Internet.


Then, run an ethernet connection between any of the output ports on the back of the linksys router to the orginal computer's ethernet port. (I am presuming that your modem was originally connected to a computer that was not wireless). Turn your modem on. When it has connected to the ISP, turn on your router. The router should acquire all the IP addresses automatically. Then, turn on your computer.


If you have a wireless router, you then need only to turn on your wireless laptop. Generally, XP will acquire the signal and you can use the wizard or just take the connection offered.

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I am sorry my msg was unclear. I did hook up my router to my desktop and I am prety sure it is hooked up correct because I used the wizard to do it and the comcast is working fine on the desktop. The problem is my wireless laptop does not pick up the comcast internet. Do I have to configure something different in the laptop to get it to pick up the comcast internet?

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