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MM8 under Win XP

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Hello everyone, i have a problem with might and magic VIII under windows XP

I have read all I found related to my problem, but nothing worked frown


when I start mm8.exe, it writes "The procedure entry point Makecriticalsectionglobal could not be found in the dynamic link library Kernel32.dll"

- somewhere I've found to delete all dlls except binkw32, mss32 and smackw32 but it didn't work (well it starts but almost instantly crashes down)


I also ran regedit and set Disable3DSounds to 1 and 3DSoundsAvailable to 0 but it had no effect


edit: I almost forgot - I've downloaded Microsoft Aplication Compatibility Toolkit and file MM8comXpProSP2.sdb and set in mm6.exe properties Compatibilty for Win ME/2000, but it works not too


pls help me

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Hi! So 4 me was the same problem, but after I fixed it it was fun. OK, first open your Start Menu , then select RUN , type 'msconfig' u will see a couple of solutions there. U must choose 'Diagnostic Startup' "load basic devices and services only" . Accept this, then restart ur comp, then start mm8 it will work properly, but no sound. No problem do 'msconfig' again then put back ur previous startup. MM8 will work now with sound. Dunno why need to do this, but 4 me it worked. Have fun !

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I have a problem with MM8 as well.

I start the install, and when it gets to the part of d3d sprites...it freezes and can't install! Same with MM7

can anybody help?

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I have a problem with MM8 as well.

I start the install, and when it gets to the part of d3d sprites...it freezes and can't install! Same with MM7

can anybody help?

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