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ASR in Windows 2003 error

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I am trying to create a Windows Server 2003 version of Emergency Repair Disk (ERD), which must be run through the Automated System Recover (ASR) wizard. The server I need this created for is also our Exchange server. The main OS runs on the C:\ drive, while Exchange is stored on the D:\ drive (an additional E:\ drive is also present). Becaus there is not too much free space on the C:\ drive and plenty of space on the D:\ drive, the destination backup file is set to the D:\ drive. I have even tried pointing it to the E:\ drive, but to no avail. When I run the ASR wizard, I continuously get an error with a log reading:



Backup Status

Operation: BAckup

Active backup destination: File

Meda nam: "Backup.bkf created *date* at *time*"


Vlume shadow copy creation: Attempt 1.

"NTDS" has reported an error 0x800423f0. This is part of System State. The backup cannot continue.


Error returned while creating the volume shadow copy:800423f0

Aborting Backup.



I have run the ASR on a seperate Windows Server 2003 machine without a problem: I stored the backup on the D:\ drive. This machine is simply a web server and it ran rather smoothly. I've done some research into this and have found that it relates to VSS WRITEERROR, which I know very little about. What I have read mainly deals with SQL databases and I am very apprehensive to do anything too drastic to the Exchange server.


Does anyone have an tips that they can throw at me? I just need to create the Windows Server 2003 version of an ERD.

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You need to select the System State to backup the registry and Active Directory and you must use the Volume Shadow service (VSS) as the files are open when backing up. Make sure VSS service is running on the server, and if it helps enable it in the backup options.


VSS is a new feature that allows files to be backed up regularly even if files are open such as Active Directory and also Exchange databases.

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Well, I have still gotten no where with this. The VSS service is started and the same error is still popping up. I selected only the System State, as all I want to do is create an ASR disk, but this does not help. I tried all three drives as the destination for the backup, but still nothing works.


I've read other posts in different forums about creating dummy files and changing the AD log file location to be on the same drive as the System State, which they are, but that still doesn't help.


Does anyone have any further ideas about this? All I need to do is create an ASR disk, similar to the ERDs for previous OSs. Thanks.

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