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Dungeon Keeper 1 : Trouble with starting up

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I am running on windows XP and have decided to reinstall my version of DK1. I did this and it succesfully installed and opened up the game after restarting my computer. It loaded up succesfully with the picture of the horned reaper but straight after that screen my computer blacks out then after around 10 seconds reboots. Please can some one help me!

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That's very odd. I have DK1.

Plays fine with WIN95 or WIN98 compatability enabled.

Bit fast bit plays fine.

Loaded it this afternoon to confirm. played through 'Eversmile' 1st episode.


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I have DK and am trying to install it on XP. The installwiz does its bit but gets to the DK setup screen and has a severe error "DK requires WIN 95 or WIN NT4 or higher". Am I a total goob for thinking that XP is higher than WIN 95??? PLS help, this is a fave game.

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When you run the installation, do so in compatability mode. To do this, right-click on the application and select properties. Once the window opens, select the Compatibility tab and select the appropriate options. See if that helps you out.


You are most likely going to have to do the same for when you want to play the game itself. You should only have to make this change once.

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Having the exact same problem as first poster - installed fine, but when attempting to play I get the screen of horned reaper, then get a black window on my desktop which promptly then ends the program. Tried following the below advice from a previous thread but didn't help in the slightest... all help much welcomed.


"I found out how to solve this too. You need "Windows Applications compatibility Tools", I am using version 4.1. It is free to download from Micro$oft, so if you google for it like I did you won't have any problem finding it.


Before you start be sure you don't have changed anything on your *.exe file, such as set the compability to windows 95, if so change it back.



Now install the tool from Micro$oft and start by using "Compatadmin.exe"


1. Click on the "new" tab to make a new database, name it dungeon keeper 1


2. Right click on your new database and choose Create new -> Application fix...


3. Write Dungeon Keeper 1 for name of the program, Bullfrog for the vendor and then click the Browse button to find your dungeon keeper exe file such as "keepd3d.exe" or "Keeper95.exe". Then click next.


4. Choose "none" on the left list and click next.


5. You should have "EmulateHeap" turned on in this list, that is what you need to actually start the levels. You can also turn on "EmulateSlowCPU" although I have yet to see if this actually helps for something. Then click next and finish.


6. Save your database somewhere and then click on the "file" tab and choose "install"


It should now work fine." (It didn't!)


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Here's a patch I built. This disables the operating system check and installs the full version. (As opposed to the typical or minimal install types.)




1.) Extract the entire CD to your hard drive. (I haven't tried this, but you may be able to just delete the files you extracted after you finish these steps.)


2.) After you do so, download the patch file here: http://anna-marie-smith.com/DK1/Patch.exe and run it.


3.) Run setup.exe and complete setup.


4.) If you have any problems, make sure you extracted the files to the correct directory. (Not a subdirectory.) Please contact me here: http://anna-marie-smith.com/Main/Contact if problems persist.

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