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Windows XP does not boot on GRUB loader

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I had Windows XP on my machine and I installed Fedora Core 5 linux on a partition on the same hard drive. The GRUB loader has over written the MBR and its now the default boot loader


I have re-formatted my PC and installed Windows XP recovery disk and installed complete XP again. When I reboot my machine, the grub loader loads up. I am not able to load Windows XP or linux because linux was deleted when I installed using recovery disk.


- How do I get rid of GRUB loader from MBR?

- How do I load Windows XP using the GRUB loader?




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What probably happened is that the recovery process did not format the hard drive fully and left the MBR intact. Since you removed the Grub reference files from the old Linux partition, grub can't use these files to boot the system. Either the grub reference files are gone, or the location of the files has changed in the process (from the old Fedora partition).


Do you just have the recovery disks, or a full install CD of Windows?


Do you still have the Fedora install CD?


If no to both, do you have access to a computer that you can download the hard drive utility (from the hard drive manufacturer) to properly format the drive?


What system (make and model) is this?

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Thanks danleff,


I was able to get it working using some commands at the "grub>" prompt to get into Windows and then used the recovery disk and fixed MBR using "fdisk" utility.


- Ray

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