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Sir Tenable

Might and Magic VI MUSIC problem

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I understand that given the number of other posts on here about Might and Magic VI, if you can't get it running, there must be something seriously wrong with your computer. I have gotten the game to work when I originally got the shrinker error problem. I have two different user made patches which both work, and my current setup is the original executable in 98 compatibility mode, after having used the deshrinker on the mss32.dll file (I have kept backups of all the original files). All of these fixes have had identical results, and the game is playable; however, the music hasn't worked in any of them. All small in-game sounds and menu sounds work, as do all of the sounds and music in the opening movies. The music in the main menu doesn't work, and none of the areas in the game have music. Just to be clear, I have gotten Might and Magic VII to work, and have had no problems with the music in that. In both games, it seems that all of the sound and music is stored in one audio file, but if this isn't the case for VI, then I am definitely missing a file. Does anyone know if there are any system settings I can change to get the music to work?

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