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PC game - Betrayal in Antara constantly hangs.

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The game constantly hangs at certain points, and is perfectly reproducalbe each time.


For example, if i attempt to enter the shop in the town of Teal, game freezes. The only thing i can do at that point is to do a manual restart of the comp.


I also found a second spot where it will always hang to me, on the road from Burlene to Everstone, on the map section with the temple of Kor, if i attempt to go south to the next map section, it hangs.


Im using windows XP SP2, and have the win95 compatability mode checked(not that i've ever had it made a game work for me).


Event viewer keeps reporting error 1000 : Faulting application antarar.exe, version, faulting module antarar.exe, version, fault address 0x000108d4.


What im surprised is that of all the people who have played it with XP, i appear to be the only one who is getting this. I cant find anyone asking for help about the game hanging at certain points.

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I just tried installing virtual PC, then win98 SE on it, then installing the game there and running it. It still hangs at the same points...i dont get it....its win98 so why is it hanging?

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Originally Posted By: Question
I just tried installing virtual PC, then win98 SE on it, then installing the game there and running it. It still hangs at the same points...i dont get it....its win98 so why is it hanging?

VPC doesn't emulate the processor (well not all of it). It's likely this may be a speed issue. I've never encountered this problem so I cannot say for sure.

Could you create a save right before each of these crashes and describe how to recreate the issue?

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