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Freelancer on Windows 2000

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Hey, just wondering if anybody can help me out getting the game Freelancer working under Windows 2000? Every time I run it, it's missing half the audio, music and dialog. It makes the game absolutely unplayable.


I've tried it on four systems now, the first two had identical hardware to oneanother, one running Windows XP and the other running 2000, it worked fine on the XP box but had the audio problem on the 2000 box. The other two systems were also identical to eachother hardware wise, and again, one running XP and the other 2k, and the exact same problem occurred. It's apparent that it's not a hardware issue, the game just doesn't like Windows 2000.


This looks like a great game and I'm dying to play it, so if anybody can help me get it working, that would be great, thanks!

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Bump. Can anybody help me at all here?? Any advice that you can offer would be great!


Thanks again.

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Thanks for the link, I just went through the MS troubleshooting to the letter, but it unfortunately made no difference at all. =(


Interesting point of note though, the Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec that it says to uninstall and reinstall, wasn't present in my codecs. As soon as I discovered that I felt certain that installing them off the Freelancer disc would solve the problem, but unfortunately, it didn't. =(


Any other ideas, or am I pretty much doomed at this point? =(

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Yikes, the instructions at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/814549/en reamed up ALL my audio quite badly. I kept getting glitches, skips, and whitenoise, on everything, including WinAmp and movie files. Yech...


I managed to get everything else working again by patching/reinstalling my SoundBlaster drivers, but I'm back at square one not being able to play Freelancer!


Any ideas anyone? =/

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