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Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core PSP Review

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With the release of Crisis Core, Square Enix hoped to for the lack of better

words, kill two birds with one stone. For the most part, every fan of FF VII

will want to check out this prequel, and every new fan of the series will want

to see final outcome reveal in the original. Either or, their fan base increase.

Honestly, I will be shocked if FFVII is not re-released by popular demand and

graphically updated. As for Crisis Core, it really is not a bad Final Fantasy at

all, but never the less it isn't Final Fantasy VII either.

Link: http://www.gamepyre.com/reviewsd.html?aid=946&p=1

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Elric Phares Editor-in-Chiefwww.gamepyre.comdoc ( -at -) gamepyre.comTo










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