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From Concentrate Software announces Paperclip 1.4 for Mac OS X Leopard

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From Concentrate Software announces Paperclip 1.4 for Mac OS X Leopard - Published on 04/04/08


From Concentrate Software is delighted to announce Paperclip 1.4, the latest version of their notes utility for Mac OS X Leopard. Paperclip allows users to attach persistent, stickies-style notes to any document. Version 1.4 adds several user-requested features such as the ability to run Paperclip as a Dock application, note transparency, and other pro user features.


Nashville, TN - From Concentrate Software is delighted to announce Paperclip 1.4, the latest version of their notes utility for Mac OS X Leopard. With a focus on ease-of-use, Paperclip is a simple yet powerful menu bar application that allows users to attach persistent, stickies-styled notes to their documents.


Paperclip's notes offer full text supports. Users may change the font and format, drag and drop images, movies, and other media, even insert and edit Acorn images. Since Paperclip's notes are document-specific, they will always be available whenever you edit annotated files. Paperclip also provides an attractive Note Viewer that lets you view, search, edit, and manage all of your notes.


Version 1.4 adds several user requests. The most common request was the ability to run Paperclip as a Dock application. Version 1.4 adds user interface improvements such as note transparency and better color selection for individual notes. Also by request, this version includes a pro user feature to move the support folder. This allows power users to access Paperclip notes from multiple computers by storing them on external hard drives, attached network drives, and other media.


Improvements in v1.4 include:

* Adds preference to run Paperclip as a Dock or menu bar application.

* Adds option for note transparency.

* Adds preference to change location of Paperclip's support folder.

* Re-organizes the Preferences pane.

* Updated note contextual menu to have nicer "Choose color" menu.

* Updates to the latest version of Nu.


Minimum Requirements:

* Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) compatible

* Universal Binary for PowerPC and Intel

* 6.1 MB Hard Drive space


Pricing and Availability:

Paperclip 1.4 is available for only $14.95 USD. Registered 1.x customers may upgrade for free. A full featured, Leopard only demo is available for download.


From Concentrate Software: http://www.fromconcentratesoftware.com/

Paperclip 1.4: http://www.fromconcentratesoftware.com/Paperclip

Direct Download Link: http://www.fromconcentratesoftware.com/downloads/Paperclip

Purchase Link: http://www.fromconcentratesoftware.com/Paperclip/purchase.php

Screenshot: http://www.fromconcentratesoftware.com/Paperclip/img/screenshots/insert.png

App icon: http://www.fromconcentratesoftware.com/Paperclip/img/icon_big.png



Located in Nashville, Tennessee, From Concentrate Software is a privately funded company founded by Grayson Hansard in 2003. Building on a long history of general geekery and a love of the Mac platform, From Concentrate Software has been making quality Mac applications which reflect the general look, feel, and attitude to which Mac-users are accustomed. Fluent in Objective-C and C/C++, FCS primarily leverages the Cocoa framework to produce Mac-native applications. Copyright 2003-2008 From Concentrate Software. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries.




Grayson Hansard




info ( -at -) fromconcentratesoftware.com



Member wishes to have this product reviewed by the media




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Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-1764.htm




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