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USB Missile Launcher Series Review

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Everything USB is pleased to announce our USB Missile Launcher Series Review


Here at Everything USB we report on a lot of random USB gadgets that aid in passing time or relaxation. Occasionally when one comes along that is so good, we just have to give it a shot. Just like the USB Piano and USB Drum Kit, these USB Missile launchers from Dream Cheeky serve no purpose at all other than pure entertainment, however they are one of the most talked about USB gadgets by geeks everywhere. Today we take a look at all three of the USB Missile Launchers: the original wired, wireless and wired webcam version with MSN support.





Don't mess around and go straight for the MSN USB Missile launcher. Even if you don't plan to be using it on MSN the webcam is well worth the extra fun you can have recording, let alone the increased precision. Stray away from the Wireless Missile launcher due to the wireless problems unless you absolutely have to have it. If you can't afford the MSN launcher which costs $49, go for the plain old Wired Missile Launcher which will only set you back $35. No matter what option you go with, make sure you pick up an extra set or two of the missiles so you don't have to get up to rearm so often.



+ MSN action is great

+ Shooting people is fun

+ Sound effects provide great satisfaction

+ 15 foot 'missile' range



- Somewhat noisy when turret is moving

- Wireless version has short range

- Few missile silos







Ian Chiu

Managing Editor, Everything USB






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