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Crashing in win2k

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I have a major problem ive got final version of win2k and it keeps on crashing


it works for a few minutes then crashes with anomalies on the screen

when i enable memory hole in the bios it works fine really weird


ive got a amd athlon 500

fic sd11 motherboard with latest 608 bios

128 cas 2 pc100 micron memory

20gb western digital caviar hd

sblive value

plextor 8432rw

creative riva tnt

lucky star conference tv

teles isdn adaptor


what i saw is that the isdn adaptor is on the same irq as the gfx card maybe thats the problem


i would appreciate some input on this as it seems from what ive seen here on the forum that iam not the only one with amd md win2k probs

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its really weird the computer just crashes and i get some video anomalies like black lines where a window i had just minimized was


just a random crash with no explanation win98 works fine no crashing ,thats why i find it really weird

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I am also having strange lock-ups in Windows 2000 while in every other OS (Win98SE, Linux, BeOS) it is fine.


The system "locks" randomly or so it seems. I doubt this is an overheating related problem though. My system is very well cooled. I've noticed that if the system is left running long enough Windows will do something strange like move the mouse cursor or scroll a webpage (if I had been doing that when it locked). Too bad it still does not respond to input from mouse nor keyboard.


I have many things in common with the above system.


Athlon Processor (550 MHz)

FIC SD11 Motherboard with lastest BIOS

128 RAM (mine is PC133 though)

SB Live Value

TNT2 based graphics card (Diamond Viper 770 Ultra)

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