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Win2k, MM7, SPR and Q3

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Ok, I have the new 5.whatever drivers, but I still have four problems. First, Might and Magic 7 will still only run in software mode. Might and Magic 8 will run in hardware, however. South Park Rally won't start at all, and the brightness slider in Q3 only works up to about 1/3 of the way. I've got the Diamond TNT2 Ultra. Also, when I click the More D3D... button in the display settings, the window that opens is all garbled - I can't read a thing. Any ideas on any of these problems?

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Lots of issues....

1) I have had the same problem with MM7, on two different systems -- one had a Diamond Viper 550 (TNT) and the new one has a LeadTek GeForce DDR. This has been true with a whole bunch of different driver releases from both Diamond and NVidia. I think that MM7 doesn't interact properly with D3D 7.0 in Windows 2000, and they fixed it in MM8.

2) Ditto with the brightness slider in Q3A. This, again, is with two different cards in two different systems and with a variety of drivers. I assume from your message that you're using the NVidia 5.13 driver. Forget about trying to get the brightness slider working in ANY 3D games. Both NVidia cards I own have problems with this. In the settings for the video card (under display properties) turn on the System Tray icon. Create a "Color Settings" preset for your settings as they are NOW. Then crank the gamma up so that the screen looks way too bright, but not completely unreadable. Save this as a "3D Games" preset. Now before you run a 3D game, use the system tray icon to select the "3d Games" preset, then when you finish, select the other. It's a little bit inconvenient to remember doing this every time, but the games look much better. You may have to experiment with the gamma until you get the perfect quality display.


The alternative is to use PowerStrip. It will set a hotkey so you can change the gamma from within the game. It also has a system tray icon and will allow presets for gamma/brightness/contrast, but unless you buy it, it forgets the presets randomly at reboot time.


I don't have answers for any of the other problems.... Good luck!

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