Shrink 0 Posted April 1, 2000 I don't know when this started - hibernation is no longer occurring on its' own based on the settings in power management. However, when I manually hibernate the computer it works fine. Can somebody who has hibernation working successfully based on the timers post the timer settings (i.e. monitor / hard drive / suspend / hibernation times and power profile)? Alternatively, if someone knows a fix for this please pass it along - TIA :-) ------------------ Shrink 92% of the things we worry about don't happen - but the other 8% DO! PIII 450@504 Soltek SL67B Mobo with 128 mb pc100 20 gig Quantum KX 8 gig Quantum CR SBlive Value Voodooo3 3000 AGP ... and a bunch of USB Stuff Windows 2000 Pro Retail Share this post Link to post
Shrink 0 Posted April 2, 2000 Well - I found out what it was. Even though I have DirectCD and EZCD installed in a manner that permits standby mode and hibernation (when it is manually selected), it is definitely DirectCD that is causing the problem. I tried it just with the latest US patch (no standby or hibernation), then added the 3.01b Japanese patch and both work, but hibernation can only be manually initiated. Adaptec has been supposedly working on this for HOW LONG and they still haven't gotten their sh*t together? I like having packet writing, and there are no other companies supporting packet writing in Win2k at present, otherwise I would be sending DirectCD down the crapper! Sigh - I feel better now <g>. ------------------ Shrink 92% of the things we worry about don't happen - but the other 8% DO! PIII 450@504 Soltek SL67B Mobo with 128 mb pc100 20 gig Quantum KX 8 gig Quantum CR SBlive Value Voodooo3 3000 AGP ... and a bunch of USB Stuff Windows 2000 Pro Retail Share this post Link to post