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My drive wont upgrade to dynamic drive, gives me an error...

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I just threw in a brand new 20.5 gig deskstar from ibm. its a fat32 format, 1 big partition, and I wanted to upgrade to a dynamic drive so I can commence with software stripping. I dont have my second disk in there, but I jsut wanted to see what a dynamic drive is like. ITs properties abilities, and toy around with it.

When I select upgrade to dynamic drive it gives me the folowing error:


LDM configuration disk write error


and LDM means (Logical Disk Management or Manager



any clues of what to do? or do I need to select both drives at the same time, I didnt think I had to.


and Im running this drive on a hotrod controller thats built onto my BP6 mobo. Could the drivers for the hotrod controller be a problem?


[This message has been edited by JimmyK (edited 30 March 2000).]

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I have a giant NTFS partition and when I convert to Dynamic Disk, it just ran smoothly.


I am not sure if Dynamic Disk support FAT32 or not. But FAT32 seems pretty useless to me in Dynamic Disk. Why not convert it to NTFS partition?

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I tried both ntfs and fat32. fat32 yielded faster performance in benchmarks, thats why I want to stick with fat32. But I tried ntfs as well and it didnt work, same error.

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Did you get it to work or did you just figure out that the reason it didn't was the driver? Where can I find out about the dynamic setting? Pros, cons? Can you set a dynamic partition or just a drive(s)? Please excuse my ignorance on this subject.

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I thoguht I had the newest drivers but I checked at bp6.com and it seemed the had released new drivers, which solved some problems and Im thinking this was one of them.


Well u can check win2k help, and look up dynamic disks. Basically its just so u can span/stripe drives together.


u have to make the whole drive dynamic u cant just make a partition dynamic.


There really is no advantage unless u want to span/stripe ur drive to another one.


and dont worry we all gotta learn somewhere.


and there seems to be a limit for the size of harddrive space u can stripe using fat32 I didnt try ntfs. I had to make 2 18 gig stripped drives instead of one big 36 gig one.

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The main reason, people want to stick to FAT32 is because they can access the partition from Windows 98/95. By converting it to Dynamic Disk, the FAT32 drive won't be accessible anymore from other OS, which actually defeat the purpose of having FAT32.


It is all depends on the type of hard disk. Some hard disk are better when they have NTFS partition and some better if they have FAT32 partition (see www.storagereview.com)


If you are eager to use Dynamic disk, I recommend NTFS 5.0 partition instead, with a few extra cool features, compress your data, encrypt your data, smaller cluster size, security, etc, etc.

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The main reason, people want to stick to FAT32 is because they can access the partition from Windows 98/95. By converting it to Dynamic Disk, the FAT32 drive won't be accessible anymore from other OS, which actually defeat the purpose of having FAT32.


It is all depends on the type of hard disk. Some hard disk are better when they have NTFS partition and some better if they have FAT32 partition (see www.storagereview.com)


If you are eager to use Dynamic disk, I recommend NTFS 5.0 partition instead, with a few extra cool features, compress your data, encrypt your data, smaller cluster size, security, etc, etc.

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