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friedEgg Touch 1.2 adds Automator Actions to Analysis Workflow

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friedEgg Touch 1.2 adds Automator Actions to Analysis Workflow - Published on 06/25/08


friedEgg Limited has announced the release of version 1.2 of friedEgg Touch, an interactive data analysis tool for Mac OS X. Version 1.2 adds Automator actions and scriptability to further simplify its use and make it easier to integrate in an analysis workflow. friedEgg Touch differs from other basic charting tools in that it allows the user to interact with their data by directly manipulating a chart. This enables complex analysis, across many dimensions, in a few simple steps.


London, UK - friedEgg Limited has announced the release of version 1.2 of friedEgg Touch, an interactive data analysis tool for Mac OS X. Version 1.2 adds Automator actions and scriptability to further simplify its use and make it easier to integrate in an analysis workflow.


friedEgg Touch differs from other basic charting tools in that it allows the user to interact with their data by directly manipulating a chart. This enables complex analysis, across many dimensions, in a few simple steps.


Consider an analysis process with a traditional spreadsheet - A table of data is prepared and filtered with expressions or by selecting items from a list. This is either presented as another table of numbers or as a simple chart. If the user wants to change the chart, this requires changes to either the expressions or items selected in the lists, followed by the re-generation of the chart.


friedEgg Touch revolutionizes this process. The user changes the filters directly in the charts, by either clicking on objects or by dragging a filter panel across either of the three chart dimensions. The selected data is then available for another step of the analysis, maybe applying different data columns to the chart dimensions. By visually indicating when an item is selected, the user has more control over what is being filtered.


Large multi column data tables can be viewed and analysed. By using additional analysis steps, maybe assigning different data columns to a chart dimension, the user can drill down on the information they need. This simple approach allows non-technical users to mine their data on their own desktop, without the the overhead of more complex and expensive tools.


Common analysis steps can be saved as templates, to apply against similar structured data tables. Both the selected data and the chart image can then be exported to other applications.


The major activities in creating and saving an analysis, together with the exporting of data and chart images, are supported by a number of automator actions that are provided with friedEgg Touch. These, together with the AppleScript support, make it even easier to integrate friedEgg Touch in an analysis workflow.



* Automator actions for workflow integration

* Create chart from any data table by simply assigning data columns to a chart dimension

* Apply filters by dragging panels within the charts

* 3D graphical interface for user to select data

* Selected data is carried to the next analysis step, enabling complex analysis, across many dimensions, in a few simple steps

* Automatic formatting of data to simplify presentation to user

* Export selected data as comma separated (csv) text file to other applications

* Export charts as either TIFF, JPEG2 or PNG images for presentations


Pricing and Availability:

Single user licenses for may be obtained, from the Kagi store accessed from within friedEgg Touch, for just $39 USD and the upgrade to version 1.2 is free for existing license holders.


friedEgg Touch: http://www.friedegg.com

Direct Download Link: http://www.friedegg.com/downloads/Touch_1.2.dmg

Screenshot: http://www.friedegg.com/images/friedEgg Touch Screenshot.jpg

App Icon: http://friedegg.com/images/friedEgg Touch App Icon.jp2



friedEgg Limited is a UK based Mac developer, dedicated to providing the most easy to use data analysis tools for non-technical small business and educational users.




Richard Bauer




richard.bauer ( -at -) friedegg.com




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