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HighPoint RocketRAID 2640X4 @ TechwareLabs

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TechwareLabs has published a review of the HighPoint RocketRAID 2640X4. Here's a clip from the review:


Quote: Looking to add some power and zip to your gaming experience? Seeking some redundancy for your server data without having to add a lot of extra drives? Michael takes a look at the very affordable Rocket Raid solution by HighPoint, the 2640x4. Pop in 4 drives and you have the ability to add both power and redundancy to your server or gaming rig. How well does it perform? Check out our review to find out.


LINK: http://www.techwarelabs.com/reviews/servers/highpoint-2640x4/


Title: HighPoint RocketRAID 2640X4 ( -at -) TechwareLabs


Image: http://www.techwarelabs.com/reviews/servers/highpoint-2640x4/images/2_4t.jpg


A news post would be greatly appreciated!



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