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Can anyone suggest a video card?

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Can anyone suggest a good agp video card for video capture? I want to be able to hook up my video camera and use it as a web cam and to send video email.



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I think ASUS makes boards based on NVIDIA chips that has videocapturing abilities.


But I would recommend u to buy a separate PCI board for video-capture instead ince videocards become obsolete pretty fast frown

At least I would since I got a V3 right now smile


As for recommendations goes, I really don't know very much about these cards. But if there's anybody here on this msgboard that could recomend one please let us know.

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ATI All in Wonder 128's i believe have video capture, i have an old ati all in wonder but its dead, it had vid capture

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The Matrox G400 marvel is a very good all round card, not only does it have stronger 3D performance than the ATI 128, but the marvel is a very good all in one solution with excellent video capture facilities. It really depends which path you want to take. If you have a digital video camera, the Miro Pinnicle PCI cards produce extremely good results.

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