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Weird Problem PLZ take a look

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Hello, I have a P3B-1394 motherboard and everytime I go to startup my computer it shuts down after about 2 secconds. Then I start up again and it continues to load as normal. I am running Win2k and my bios right now is 2004 beta 4 (the newest I think) It also did this with the 2004 bios. My computer DOES shut down as normal with no problems. I checked the all the wires to see if there is a connection problem and I even changed the power supply. I tired e-mailing asus about a month ago with no answer. I also searched the newgroups and still no answers. I was hoping someone here might and an idea on what is wrong. PLz help if you can. By the way I am not a computer newbie. THX for yout help.



Asus P3B-1394 motherboard w/ 333 Celeron

Gullimont Geforce 256

SBlive (X-Gamer)

Winnov Vidium Capture Card


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I tried something else that didn't work. Heres wha I did: I unhooked all my drives (hard drives and CD drives) and I still have the problem. I also tried disabling the Power Mangement in the bios. Nope no suceess. I am running out of ideas. This is a really weird problem

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Does it only do it from a COLD start? After the machine has been sitting for awhile, or does it do it right after a shut down and then powering on?


Load Optimal or Default settings in the BIOS? Most BIOS flashes tell ya to do this, although it has only helped me on one occasion.


When you checked all the connnections, do u mean that you've reseated the RAM and CPU?


Has it done it since day one?


I agree with u that you have a wierd problem, I'm just thinking about what I'd try in the same scenario...

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(Posted again from Other Forum Question)


I've had the same problem on an EPOX VIA MVP3G2 motherboard. It turns out that it is a power supply problem on my end. When the system boots, power is sent to ALL the fans, cards and drives in your system to initilize them. If this goes over your power threshold on your power supply, it forces a reboot. I started having this problem after adding a CD-RW drive and SEVERAL more cooling fans to my system. If you've got a lot of hardware under the hood, I wouldn't recommend anything less than a 300W power supply. Now if you have an ungodly amount of juice off your power supply, I don't know what to say. But try adding up the wattage usage of your hardware and you will probably see that you are over the limit. I hope this helps!

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When I tried the connection I reinsterted the CPU and Ram chips. I even went as far as replacing them with a different one. I also tried another power supply. And still dosen't work. I also removed ALL my hardware, I unpluged my hard drives and CD drives. Still not working right. I used another power switch, momentary contact switch and STILL nothing. So at this point I would have to guess it has to be the motherbaord. Even though when my dad used it it worked perfect. He gave to me after about 3 weeks of use. Then the second it was in it started doing this. Man, i'm confuessed. Thx for the help guys. I appricate.

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