darkicon 0 Posted April 17, 2000 Hello, I have a question about the P3B-1394 motherboard that I desperately need help with. Here is the problem: Every time I go to startup my computer it shuts down after about 1 seconds. Then I start up again and it continues to load as normal. I am running Win2k and my bios right now is 2004 beta 4, it also did this with the 2004 bios. You should note that my computer DOES shut down as normal. Here are all the things I have tried: 1) I checked the all the wires to see if there is a connection problem and I even changed the power supply. 2) I unhooked all my (hard drives and CD drives) AND I also removed ALL my hardware. AND I replaced my video card. 3) I disabling the Power Management in the bios. 4) I reinserted the CPU and Ram chips. Along with that I put in a new CPU chip. 5) I used another momentary contact switch. 6) I tired loading the Bios Defaults and Setup Defaults 7) I have swapped every bit of hardware in my computer with parts I know are good. And I have come to the conclusion that it has to be something to do with the motherboard itself. Here is my current system configuration: --------------------------------------- Asus P3B-1394 motherboard w/ 333 Celeron Guillemont Geforce 256 SBlive (X-Gamer) ADS USB to Ethernet Maxtor 30gig UDMA 66 Hard drive Creative 24x DVD Encore Dxr2 Smart and Friendly Writeable Drive (CD-Racer) Logitech Wingman Mouse Microsoft Internet Keyboard --------------------------------------- Any help you could give me with this problem would be very much appreciated. Thank you again for your help and corporation. Sincerely, Patrick Share this post Link to post