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Eagle Consus Review @ OCC

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OCC has published a new review on the Eagle Consus


Here is a quote from the review:



"The Eagle Consus External Hard Drive Enclosure does a great job doing what it was meant to do. There really isn't a lot to say in conclusion, as it neither really came out and wowed me, but it also didn't disappoint. Typical transfer speeds were seen, even when equipped with a hard drive that can handle much faster. However, it still did beat out the other external hard drives in all but one metric. The sturdy feel of the casing makes me feel comfortable dropping an expensive drive in and not really needing to worry much about damage it might encounter. Eagle's attention to packaging and included accessories was a nice surprise that most manufacturers miss the target on. Overall, the Eagle Consus does just what it is supposed to do."


Title: Eagle Consus Review

Link: http://www.overclockersclub.com/reviews/eagle_consus/

Img: http://www.overclockersclub.com/siteimages/articles/eagle_consus/8_thumb.jpg



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