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Cyber Snipa Sonar 5.1 reviewed at BurnOutPC.com

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Dear Webmasters and Newsposters,


BurnOutPC.com has just posted their review on the Cyber Snipa Sonar 5.1




"Cyber Snipa's Sonar 5.1. design is somewhat funky, it has these flame red

ear cups and the rest of the design is all black. It has the same styling as

the Cyber Snipa Stinger mouse we reviewed a while back. It's like Razer

using their neon green and black theme. Cyber does it the other way round

and uses hot rod red to fire things up a bit. These headphones have a bunch

of neat features, for starters their 5.1 surround. This means you could

actually make out the difference between an enemy sneaking up behind on your

or watch your dvd's with all the sound effects and rumble. Yes that's right

this headset what Cyber Snipa likes to call Force Feedback built inside."


Direct Link -


Image Link - http://www.burnoutpc.com/images/reviews/Sonar51/PICT7516.JPG



I would highly appreciate it if you could mention this review in your

upcoming news post.


Thanks a lot,


Marien Klootwijk






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