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Black monitor with K7V + GeForce

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Time for trouble again. Tried two diffrent GeForce cards on my K7V mobo. Asus 6800 Dlx (this one was fried in an accident =() and Creative Annhilator Pro. But i get the same result with both. After installing drivers it goes black when i reboot and is about to enter Win2k.


I look around and it seems like the ACPI thing (whatever the name is) is sharing IRQ with the GeForce. I bet this ain't good. Seems like the moemory adresses might collide or something. Any idea how to fix this!? I wont be able to try it since my 6800dlx will be on repair for some days but plz come with ideas. Thnx in advance m8s! =)

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I had the same thing happen with my Gforce and SOYO board. I was even getting problems in Win9x. I played with my AGP settings in bios and finaly got it to work in Win9x but I have not reinstalled W2k yet.

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Hmm... You remember what ya set em to? But the funny thing is that I have a dual boot. And Win98 ain't a problem. Runnin smooth. So i think I must redirect the IRQ or something... But how?

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set your apeture size to 4 megs and desable agp2x in bios




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Hmm... Maybe a stoopid question but since I'm a stoopid person i bet you'll forgive me. =) It I turn of AGP 2x. Will it then ONLY run in 4x or will it only run in 1x...? Wonder since I'm runnin dualboot with Win2k and 98 and I don't want to loose any speed on the Win98 side... =)

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Have you checked you monitor refresh rate you are supposed to set you video card back to standard graphics adapter when you install new drivers !!! If the refresh rate is to high this can lead to a black display. After installing new drivers and you get a black screen restart in safe mode and set it back to a default 60 Hertz then reboot and see what happens. If on start up you can hear can sounds but have a black screen this could be your problem !!!

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i got the same problem. I think you have a Asus K7V mobo :-)


Disable the ****ing ACPI. It will be set all PNP cards to IRQ9. But do not this in the bios, open the W2K hardware manager - there must be a value named ACPI Computer. Change the driver to standart computer. Reboot. If the Win2K not change the IRQ, set it manual in the Bios - PNP Menue.

If the GeForce not work after this check this:

There are two ways to fix this problem:


Boot your Win2K in save mode. Go into the hardwaremanager and find the VIATEC CPU to AGP Controller (i think it is named so - important: ...AGP... in system componentes). Update the driver to the AMD 751 Processor to AGP Controller. Reboot and it should work. But the GeForce is very slow.


Second: (ony Asus Board)

Update you Bios version to "K7V 1005 Final (=1005 - 001-B Beta)". Go into the bios menue. Load setup defaults. Switch "DRAM Interleave Setting" to "disable".

You must have the NVIDIA Detornator 3.78 Driver installed. The 5.1x driver do not work. If you have not installed this driver boot into save mode and delete you Geforce in the hardwaremanager and boot again - install the Detornator 3.78 driver.

This way the Geforce will work, but sometimes the system crash. I think this are the "old" GeForce drivers.





[This message has been edited by Noope (edited 08 May 2000).]

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Weee! seems like that last post will solve my problem. Will look at it as soon as my 6800Dlx returns from repair... Hmm.. And yes, the monitor is runnin at 60hz. I thought that was the problem to first, but it aint... =/


Thnx folks!

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hehe this will solve all your problems guys, I will bet ya smile This is one of my previous posts smile


Ok sorry about the caps im just so excited, I was having the black screen problem in win2k with my pa-2013 rev 2.1 and matrox g400 32 meg card. only soultion was to drop the apeture to 4 megs and turn off agp2x. well i was searching websites and happen upon a article on www.tomshardware.com about a fix for win2k and via 133kx chipsets. It seems that Asus has a beta version of viaagp.sys that they altered and it was made to fix the problems win2k not seeing the agp port on via 133kx based mobos. Well I said what the hell even thouigh I have a MPV3 chipset based pa-2013 and I downloaded and replaced my current viaagp.sys with the new one. WELL HOLY @#$% NOW IM ABLE TO BOOT INTO WIN2K WITH 128 MEG APETURE AND AGP2X RUNNING SMOOTH AND NO PROBLEMS AFTER 3 HOURS OF PLAY. I confirmed with powerstrip that agp2x is activated and apeture is 128. and to think I thought it was an FIC bios problem. It was VIA all along. Well dont wait goto this link and download the driver and switch it out in safe mode. YEAH!!!!! http://www.tomshardware.com/mainboard/00q2/000508/kx133-01.html

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