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ECS A790GXM-A Black Series Motherboard Review @ Hardware Secrets

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We've just posted a new article on our website, Hardware Secrets.


Title: ECS A790GXM-A Black Series Motherboard Review

Link: http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/614

Category: Reviews



ECS A790GXM-A is a socket AM2+ motherboard with on-board video based on AMD 790GX chipset, featuring dedicated video memory, two PCI Express 2.0 x16 slots, HDMI output and more. Check it out.


Here is a snippet:

"ECS A790GXM-A Black Series is a socket AM2+ motherboard based on the latest chipset from AMD, 790GX. Formerly known as RS780D, this chipset provides on-board video using a new graphics engine (Radeon HD 3300) with a dedicated 128 MB GDDR2 on-board memory (feature called "Side Port" by AMD) and also providing two PCI Express 2.0 x16 slots (running at x8 if both are used at the same time). In this review we will compare the performance of AMD 790GX to AMD 780G and GeForce 8200, and we will also analyze Hybrid CrossFire performance. Check it out."


A news post would be highly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


Gabriel Torres


Hardware Secrets





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