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W2K & TNT2 & Lockups

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I was just wondering that are there any W2K users that doesn't have lock ups on nvidia video cards?


I have random lock ups (not depending driver versions). These lock ups occurs one in 1-4 days.


I didn't have these freezes with my old G200 board or when I used Microsofts drivers for TNT2. Microsofts drivers doesn't support 3D so I can't use them.


I'm running on Abit BP6 with two celerons.

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I have a Gforce DDR and I removed it and put my Banshee back in because of the lockups. The Gforce is going into a new machine I am building and I am hopeing I will not get lockups with a fresh install of W2k on the new machine.

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I am running a Guillemot 3D Profit GEForce 256 non DDR with guillemot 3.78 drivers with no problems but I have tried all the other Nvidia drivers but the manufactures drivers seem to work best with no problems.

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I heard you need stable 3.3v for the AGP port in order for geforce card to work stable, at least my non ddr card's manual has a warning about this in the 1st page.

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Never had a lock up with my 3-D Prophet DDR. Not one.


Coppermine 733

Asus P3B-F w/300 watt power supply

GeForce 256 DDR

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I've heard of power supply problems with Athlons and GeForce cards. 300 Watts is almost a must when you have these 2 together. Im thinking your setup of 2 celerons is also a power supply hog.

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I've got no lockups at all with my system. I've run it for two weeks without rebooting using the 5.14s. I haven't rebooted since installing the 5.16s 2 days ago.


Celeron 450

Abit BF6


Guillemot TNT2 Ultra

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I have a TNT2 Ultra on my other PC and I've never had lockup problems with it either. And I've used about every driver set on it. Every time a new one comes out, I update it.


Both my platforms are Intel i440BX chipsets. I think everybody's lock-up problems come from VIA or AMD chipsets. However, I believe these conditions have been "fixed." If you go to www.tomshardware.com, you'll find the fix.

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