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Dual 850's - anyone running them?

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Is there anyone out there running dual PIII 850's???


If so what MB are you using?



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I have heard that only slot 1 p3's are able to run in smp...I don't remember the site, but basically the flip chips designed to run in smp...don't know if this helps either...if its slot 1 then I would imagine any dual mobo w/ coppermine compatibility would work...

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Well I found a motherboard for my 850's


I bought the Tyan Tiger 100 flashed the bios and it now supports my 850's


This is very sweet. You all should see how fast my system is now. I'll run some test and get back on the SMP in Quake 3.



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Hi I have a question.

Just how much faster will a system run with

dual prossesors?

I was thinking of going to 2 myself but I heard the diferance in speed was only about 10 to 15% more.

Any thoughts on this.

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not really much faster with Games unless they support SMP, i had dual celerons overclocked to 500, and i noticed a he11 of a big difference with my overall system performance.....multitasking actually worked for once.


[This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 21 May 2000).]

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Having dual cpu's for gaming is not worth it, but for everything else it's great. They allow you to do many things at one time without a performance hit.




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I don't have a dual 850 combo, but I have a 512 Mhz combo, they are really great especially in RC5 and movies encoding. They are exactly twice as fast as single processor machine.

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