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Hollywood & Win2k (I know it's been beaten to death)

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It's just I can' find anyone with my error that has gotten their Hollywood working.


After loading the drivers and restarting, I get a dark blue screen saying that windows can't load mpegport.sys or vpfilter.sys. I was told by a forum member here that I could erase those two files and the Hollywood would work.


Unfortunately after erasing these files, a third file wouldn't load- rmquasar.sys. After I erased that file, the thing wouldn't work at all. I got an error message sayingI didn't have a DVD decoder compatible with Win2k.


I'm really at wit's end here. If anyone has overcome this problem I'd love to hear how.


Here are my specs:


Asus P3V4X

Asus v6800 Pure

P3 600e@850Mhz


SB Live! value

256MB pc143@CAS2

Matsu****a DVD 1x

HP 7200i CD-RW

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Well, I hate to be a grouch, but if you would've read my thread on this issue over in Games, you would've known to disable PnP OS in your BIOS on that ASUS motherboard.

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Reinstall the drivers. And remember to install DVDstation. The hollywood plus doesn't work with win2ks native dvd player.

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hmm... Uh thanks for the help. Let me write this down... Install drivers. Install software.


That should clear up all my problems!



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LOL..when in doubt...resort to sarcasm.. smile

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You have to admit... That post was too hard to pass up without making some kind of sarcastic remark smile


This forum doesn't seem to be too lively.... I've gotten tons of views, but no posts. Is everyone as clueless on this topic as I am?

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The thing is not going to work right until they get official drivers. It isn't EVEN worth it. Just use your Hollywood Plus in 98 for now and wait like the rest of us.

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Originally posted by ledzeppel:

The thing is not going to work right until they get official drivers. It isn't EVEN worth it. Just use your Hollywood Plus in 98 for now and wait like the rest of us.

Dude, My hollywood plus has worked FLAWLESS in win2k since I've had it. I had one issue with my new motherboard but that was easily fixed.

Check the sigma designs newsgroups.

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I threw a formatted HDD in and put 98 on it. I just switch the power and IDE cables when I want to use the Hollywood. I don't find this a hassle since it's easy to get in and out of my case.

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As far as I have found, the Hollywood beta drivers are sound as a pound (sorry - Cockney rhyming slang - I mean stable as a rock - just had to throw that in).


As far as I can see this beta release is every bit as good as a final release. I say this because I'm not even running a Hollywood + - but a Creative DXR3 which is made possible by combining the WDM Hollywood drivers with the DXR3 control software. In this respect I don't know about the stability of DVD station - however I've installed this card on four different machines (all running W2K) with thses drivers with no problems whatsoever.

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Go do an Unreal benchmark or any other D3D benchmark and then tell me that EVERYTHING is okay. I bet it won't be. Either that or there are other methods to installing the card for a Dxr3 that work better. My method:


Hollywood Plus beta driver

Creative Labs NT driver (reboot)

Creative software (reboot)

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I play UT at 16x12 and the FPS counter NEVER drops below 40fps. I do see it spike up towards 60-70 but it all depends on the action on the screen. There are VERY few people having problems with hollywood cards.


Btw why are you installing the NT driver? It should be Hollywood plus beta driver, reboot, Creative software. Or in a Official hoolywood cards sake it's Hollywood plus beta driver, reboot, Hollywood Plus software(dvd station).




[This message has been edited by Seldzar (edited 21 May 2000).]

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From the research I had to do to get the thing to work (and movies do work, just that D3D stuff suffers), Everybody said you have to install the NT driver on top of the Hollywood Plus Beta Driver so that the Creative software will recognize it as a Dxr3. Otherwise I don't think it will work. I believe it is the Creative NT driver that is screwing up the D3D. I've heard this from numerous sources.


Also, I HAVE to disable PnP OS in the bios (ASUS P3B-F motherboard). If I don't, it'll do a BSOD when I install the Hollywood Plus driver everytime. I can't afford to lose PnP in the BIOS cuz that gives me the standby mode I just love. Thanks for the info.

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Ahhhhhh ok gotcha!


Have you tried jsut installing the hollywood drivers and then the hollywood software? Skip all the creative junk? I had to disable PnP OS in the bios as well for my Asus p3v4x.

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No I haven't yet. And I bet it would work great that way too. BUT, the PnP OS is important enough to make me not do it. I don't know what else to do but just wait until creative or sigma desings has a better driver that doesn't require this. Thanks.

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