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Your suggestions on compatibility??

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Okay guys, i need to borrow your wisdom for a minute.


I am going to upgrade my processor to an athlon 800 and i need to know what the best motherboard to use. It has to be very compatible with win2k and i really want the KX133 chip. What do you guys think???


Oh yeah, another important piece of info is, I am running a 3d Prophet geforce DDR. I know there has been compatibility problems with these and the new mobos also. Any help is much appreciated. thanks in advance.



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Personally I love the Abit KA7, not only is it very stable, but thanks to the updated Inf file from Via - it rund absolutely flawlessly under Win 2K. I'm running an Athlon 800 with a Matrox G400 Max, so I don't really know about any issues this board has with the Geforce, but there have been several machines on sale over here in the UK the use a similar configuration to the one you describe withous (I assume) any problems.

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If compatability is your main concern get a P3EB with a BX motherboard. Abit BE6-2 rules!

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Well, the KA7 was always one of my first choices. Thank you for the suggestions guys. I think i will get the KA7. thx. smile

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